Saturday, January 15, 2011

Julie and Julia

What a fabulous movie!  I knew that I wanted to see this movie, but today, it has made the list of my faves.  First of all, I can so identify with Julie....I never finish anything either! HA!  I'm sure with my sporadic posting you have gotten a clue about that, huh?  LOL  But, Julie is in a place where she wants to do something great with her life and has no clue what.  Been there...might still be there...working on that one.  But the story of the two women, played side by side, and how different they are yet how alike.  Its such a moving story and brilliantly told.

I have to say that I never knew anything really about Julia Child.  I only knew that she had a cooking show and was a bit different than most of the cooking shows of her time.  I knew that she was an amazonian tall woman with a crazy way of speaking that was so unique, she was completely identifiable by her voice. But I guess I didn't realize what an interesting life she led and how romantic her life was.  Her husband seemed so amazing and so dedicated to here.  He gave her a giant mortar and pestle for Valentine's Day one year....if that isn't true love, I don't know what is!  It was something that she desired so much and he knew how much it meant to her.  He doted on here so heavily and supported her wholeheartedly through her quest to become an amazing cook.  So wonderful!  And Julia and her sister!!  I loved watching them!  They so much remind me of my sister and I....from the super loud HELLO at the train station to their conversation at lunch with Julia's husband.  They seem to speak their own language and I can completely identify with that.  My sisters and I do the same thing.  We are something else when we get together LOL  I love that Julia's husband looks at them so adoringly and sweet completely accepting of their quirky nature and just listening and smiling as they go on and on.....

Julie's husband seems the same....he supported her and stood by her even though her idea was quite quirky and different, he was right there every step of the way never judging, never questioning, just knowing that she needed to do something with her life that made sense and as strange as it was, this made sense to her.  He was so supportive, I love it!  (well at least until the part when they both crack up a bit and fight some over the whole thing, but it works out).  To have that kind of support must be such a wonderful thing.  We all have crazy ideas and very few of us get the support to be able to execute them in their entirety knowing that the support will be there all the way and regardless of the outcome.  I love that both of their hubbies are so supportive and wonderful.....ahhh... lovely!

I love cooking and I love blogging so why hadn't I thought of something like that?  Oh well.  I just have to post on my love of this movie and to say how much it has inspired me to blog more, cook more, and it makes me feel much better to know that I'm not the only one out there who doesn't finish things :-)  That was so refreshing to hear somebody else say!

Lessons from Julie and Julia......
* Have a goal no matter how strange it may seem to others, and go for it!
* Pearls should always be worn in the kitchen.
* Cannelloni coming out of the boiling water taken out by bare hands is "as hot as a stiff cock."
* Cooking can be therapeutic and stressful, but the result is pure bliss.
* and a mortar and pestle makes the best Valentine's gift ever!

Thanks Julie and Julia for inspiring me!  Bon Appetite!!!!

and bright blessings!

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